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CCYC/T-10 Winter Seminar #2 - RULES!

CCYC | 9 am-Noon

RULES.  There are no roads, traffic signals, or land markers out on the water.  Our RRS review session keeps racers' eyes on tactics around the race course.   Expert, Ted Jones, will guide you through the Rulebook.  Bring your questions about your encounters on the water and brush up on what to do in the Protest Room.  Everyone is welcome- any boat, any fleet, skippers, and crew.


Click here for Zoom link >
Meeting ID: 816 9607 6376
Passcode: 300549

2v2 Team Racing Seminar (M)

CYC (Monroe) | 5 - 6 pm

The Interclub Competition Committee invites all members and non-members to a free, educational series on adult team racing. The series will consist of four chalk-talks. This second talk will introduce 2v2 team racing that is common in adult team racing. We will show videos of team race maneuvers and discuss how to win a 2v2 race. Sailors of all levels are invited to attend. The series is to be hosted by Bridget Groble, Will Curtiss, and Jack Elkin. Stay after the event to join the Associates Committee for a whiskey tasting in the tent!